Coffee Mornings

This year we will be relaunching our Coffee Mornings on a the first Tuesday of every month. They will run regularly throughout the year.  There will be a different focus or activity for each Coffee Morning that will inform you about school policies, subjects taught in school and how you can support your child at home.

The dates of the Coffee Mornings will be posted on the school newsletter, school website and ClassDojo.

We will provide free tea, coffee and biscuits for parents who attend. On some mornings free resources, leaflets or activities will distributed and this will be on a first come first served bases.

Coffee Morning is a great way to get to know other parents, share experiences, learn new skills and relax. Parents lead very busy lives, but we’re sure you could spare an hour to ‘wind down’ and learn about something new.

We know many of our parents are very creative so we will still have opportunities for hands on sessions and organising special events for our school community.

So, why not spare a little time and come along to our new Coffee Mornings  – you can make a real difference in your child’s life! Get involved!

For more information please contact Mrs Baird via the school office.