
The Observatory School supports the progress of all pupils within the four broad areas of need: cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social and emotional and physical and sensory. Our intention in addition to our sensory and social pathways in the school, is to reduce and/or remove barriers to learning and to be able to develop the skills to function within their environment as independently as possible through the Intervention pathway.

Effective interventions within our school are achieved using a combination of types including, one to one, social communication, emotional regulation, attendance, pastoral, literacy and numeracy, along with adaptations to the environment, differentiation and levels of adult led support. We believe in and apply the graduated approach to support the progress of all pupils where needed. This can result in a number of avenues within the pathway;

  • Specific
  • Targeted
  • Group
  • Transition
  • Alternative providers
  • Intervention base form group
  • Personalise School Programme

One of our missions is to evidence impact of interventions across the school, demonstrating progress on all levels. From a literacy intervention for a year 7 pupil supporting him with his phonics sounds and reading age to a social communication intervention for a pupil learning to accept kindness from a friend. As a school we have an appreciation that a SMART TARGET or learning objective may take a week for one pupil to achieve and a whole term for another pupil. In response to this we have developed sector leading tools to measure social, emotional and communication progress.