Literacy/Numeracy/PE Catch Up

The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives state-funded schools, including special schools and alternative provision settings, additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2).

As final payments of the Year 7 Catch-up Premium were made in relation to the 2019 to 2020 academic year, the 2020 to 2021 academic year will be the last year on which schools must report how this funding was used.

The Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium is additional funding that the government gives to schools. This funding is to be targeted at students who did not achieve at least a scale score of 100 in reading and/or maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

How is Catch-Up Premium Calculated?

Each year the government allocates funding to schools, which is adjusted each year, to reflect the percentage change in the size of their Year 7 cohort, based on school census data.

How the Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium is used.

The School aims to support every student who begins Year 7 with additional needs in either literacy or numeracy, so that they are able to access the same curriculum as their peers and achieve the benchmarks set for them against national data.

To support this aim, we have teachers who oversee Literacy and Numeracy Intervention, as well as two members of SLT who support with the strategy, curriculum development and quality assurance.

Literacy Intervention:

Accelerated Reader 

Literacy Centre

Numeracy Intervention