Due to a significant number of staff joining us in the Autumn term, we need to refresh our Team Teach training. This is essential training that the staff use for regulation and positive handling. Due to the pandemic, this training has not been available and we have had to secure dates that fall outside our previously published inset. This means that 24 members of staff will be out of school on the 14th and 15th of February.

If your child is on the Better in School Programme, PSP or attends a college placement on those dates there will be no change.

School will be closed for INSET those days, however, where you are:
  • Key worker, requiring a place in school
  • Your child is looked after
There will be a team of staff members in school, who are already re-accredited, You can request a place in school, please let the school office know before Wednesday next week. Otherwise a work pack for two days will be sent home on or before 11th of February.