Remote Learning

We are ambitious for all our pupils to fulfil their potential whether learning in school or at home.  There may be times when pupils need to access learning remotely and our school is committed to providing a high quality offer underpinned with regular personal support and appropriate technology and devices.  Pupils needing to learn remotely will be offered a laptop by the school.

All pupils learning at home will be contacted regularly throughout any period of remote learning.  Welfare calls will be made by school staff once or twice a week.  Door step visits may also be an option.

We aim to ensure consistency in our school’s approach to remote learning and to share clear expectations for all members of the school community. We will provide appropriate guidelines for data protection and safeguarding.

Remote learning activities are also offered to allow pupils to extend and enrich the work they are doing in the classroom.

Remote Education and Covid-19

During Lockdowns or prolonged absences due to the Covid-19 pandemic, pupils at The Observatory School had access to remote learning. These included virtual lessons using Google Classrooms, online learning tasks set by teachers and activities from recommended learning websites.