Tracking and Reporting Progress

By regularly monitoring pupil performance through rigorous tracking and monitoring we are able to keep you informed about your child’s progress.

We believe there are two main purposes for tracking and reporting;

Firstly, to provide clear, positive and constructive feedback about children’s and young people’s learning and progress, looking back on what has been achieved against standards and expectations and secondly, to create an agenda for discussions between learners and those teaching and supporting them about their next steps in learning.

Our emphasis is on progress. We are dedicated to ensuring all children to make at least expected progress from their individual starting point to the end of each Key Stage.

Pupil progress and attainment is measured using a range of assessment tools within The Observatory  School. As of September 2022 the main method used to ascertain pupil progress is ‘BSquared progression steps’. BSquared are a national company which provides assessment software to many special schools and mainstream schools alike to support them with their assessment. They specialise in assessment for learners with SEND.

Progression Steps is an observation-based assessment framework. It helps teachers to identify and record the ongoing achievements of pupils. At The Observatory School we use Progression Steps from year 5 to 9. For year 10 and 11 pupils a flight path system is used.

Pupils who complete key stage 3 on progression step 10 are usually are placed on the Academic Pathway. Those on 8 and 9 are usually are placed on the Vocational Pathway. Those with a spiky profile (mixture of steps in different subjects) are placed on a custom pathway.

Flight Path

Progression Step


Progression Step 10


Progression Step 8 and 9


Spiky Profile


Marking and Feedback

Assessment practices at The Observatory School encompasses:

  • The marking process, which involves acknowledging and providing written and verbal feedback on a pupil’s daily progress in learning.
  • The moderation process which involves selecting and comparing examples of pupil’s work with other subjects and schools to ensure consistency and accuracy of assessment and marking. 
  • The reporting process which involves sharing and informing others about a pupil’s learning through a wide range of methods. 

    Progress Day/Evening

    We arrange 2 progress days per year where parents and carers have the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with their teacher or other relevant members of staff. These meetings may be virtual (via Microsoft Teams or by telephone) or face to face.

    We usually notify you  of these arranged dates by ClassDojo and ParenAPP.  

    Here parents/carers get the opportunity to talk to their childs teachers about their progress and school life. Parents and carers can look through their child’s books and meet with subject specialist teachers.